Why circus is still a thing?

Any kind of topic that's about animals is super sensitive to me and to many other people all around the world. We talked about cruelty-free products and animal testing, hunting, endangered species, pollution, forest reduction.. The list goes on and on about the threats that animals have to face when a human is involved. The circus is not an exception.

Circus has been around for a very very long time and it's understandable that it's hard to change a human habit of being entertained. But fuck, are we still paying to see animals being tortured for the laugh?  It's disgusting enough that labs are still testing on animals and using them as props in irrelevant situations but circus really drives me insane. There are just the kind of topics that trigger you from the inside and you can't help but to speak up your mind. We've seen facts and pictures of how animals are being treated in circuses. Physical abuse, starvation, small spaces for big animals, cages. Do I need to even say more? 
As always, it's hard to change something that's been around for ages. It's always easier to create something completely different than to change someone's mind about anything (same-sex marriage and family, women rights, equality - you get the idea). However, Germany seems to be taking effort, time and energy into changing something about the entertainment of circus. 

German circus came up with a way of using holograms and light shows instead of live animals. Where has this been earlier?! We have human-looking robots but animal holograms are only now a thing? (I mean Night at the Musem 2 did it first in 2014 but still) 
'Cruelty-free magical experience' - that's how the article describes it and I totally agree. I'd much rather go to this kind of a show than sit in a dirty circus tent watching elephants being chased by monkeys. 
A lot of thought has gone into this production: the lasers, the techniques, the lighting. It must have cost a fortune therefor it's definitely worth it. The details are incredible and super realistic, the colours are vibrant as if the actual animal was there and thank God for the person who came up with this idea for the Circus Roncalli.


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