The topic seems to be triggering to a lot of people, including me. I’ve been blogging for more than 5 years now and as many bloggers, I had to transfer to Instagram to get new readers and naturally, I started to grow quite a generous audience of +4K followers. I started working with brands and engaging with other bloggers. Does that make me an influencer now? Because I’m fine if it does. An influencer is not a bad thing.

It’s possible to argue about the goods and bads of an influencer from the consumer's point of view and actually being one. In this era, it’s easy to earn money online and, maybe, even build a career out of it and people need to accept that. In my home country Lithuania, people are still judging influencers for what they do, to the audience they’re stupid and unconcerned. Sure there are those ‘useless’ influencers but most of them are smart, they have goals and they worked hard to be where they are now. How can you judge that? Is it jealousy that other people get free stuff? Is it the free events? Or is it the amount of money they make? Either way, it will take some time for people to accept the way influencers live their life and it’s okay. But the Instagram era has been around for more than 2 years so how long will it take for the hate to vanish into thin air? 

Some are being accused of photoshopping and building unrealistic everyday life. The photoshop thing has been around since people found out they can manipulate the body or a face just by finding the right angle and lightning. Every influencer, blogger or a regular human being uses some sort of a photo editing technique. A photograph is just an image. Of course, it’s not realistic. Of course, no one walks around with a bodysuit, a hair towel and some sunglasses around their house. But that looks aesthetically pleasing and people like aesthetically pleasing content. 
Do I use photoshop aka Facetune? Yeah. I am guilty of getting rid of pimples/smoothing my skin. I am guilty of making my eyes a bit bigger or my nose a bit smaller. And there were times where I altered the way my hips look. But I know the boundaries and what a balance is. I photoshop a picture because I like the way it looks and so do my followers. I know what kind of content brings me good engagement that is to hard to receive with the algorithms. 
There has to be a balance and boundaries when it comes to editing a picture. I know people who do it subtly and people who go way too far with it.
The main issue that people have with photoshopping is that it brings unrealistic standards and makes other people feel insecure about themselves. This may sound harsh but it’s not my fault you have self-esteem issues. I’m just doing my thing. And if you can’t find the difference between a subtle photoshop and a toothpick thin waist then that’s your problem. 
Comparing yourself to others is a mental problem that I have too but I don’t go around calling people out for photoshopping their content. If you don’t like that content or it makes you feel bad about yourself - that ‘block’ button is a blessing. 

My main point of this post is to express the anger towards the hate that influencers receive. It makes me sick just thinking about the amount of hate girls and guys receive because they're living a different lifestyle than most of the human population on earth. Am I defending them because I'm in that world too? Maybe. But that still doesn't change my point of view. The world right now is based on someone making an influence so I guess at thhe end of the day, you pick what influences you and what doesn't. If a person doesn't do you any good - say goodbye and move on with your life.


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