During our second module, I  got to go to one of my favourite cities in the whole world, London. On the 28th April, we packed our bags for the day, as usual, I put on the outfit I wanted to be photographed in, and we left for the capital. 
As for some who doesn't come to London that often, I fall in love with that city whenever I go there. The architecture, the little boutiques and the designer shops/window designs.. It all leaves me shook to my corbs. 

I mean look at this Dior and Fendi window displays. Two of my favourite brands ever slaying the shit out of the streets of London. I felt like a tourist capturing every corner of a street, honestly. Window designs is something I've always been fascinating by and, maybe, I would consider going into that direction when I graduate. I love creating visuals, especially ones that communicate well with the recipient, the customer. And even though the whole point of this trip was to do research for our upcoming fragrance brief, I managed to squeeze window displays and fragrance into one. 

Research of fragrance displays, bottles and everything else is on my sketchbook.

The Vogue House.. And the archive.. Where do I even begin?! Everything about this place was incredible. Did I get a typical blogger pic in front of the building? You bet your ass I did. 
I wanted to buy a magazine from that little 'shop' but, honesty, I felt super overwhealmed that I couldn't pick one. So I spend those Â£5-10 pounds on food. Typical..


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